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Q: What is a type of ghost that causes physical disturbances?
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Is ghost type moves physical?

Physical/Special moves do not exist in Generation 3.

What does ghost type mean in Pokemon battle arena?

Ghost is a type of pokemon. They cannot be affected by normal or physical attacks. They are weak to physic and dark type moves.

Is shadow ball a physical attack in Pokemon emerald?

Yes all ghost type moves are physical attacks.

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Erosion causes physical changes.

Are different type of sounds called matter?

no, matter is a physical object (something that has mass). sounds are disturbances in the air that send out waves that hit our ears. our brains then recognize this as sound.

What causes a rooster to be sterile?

Some type of disease or physical damage to the gonads.

What type is super effective against ghost type Pokemon?

Ghost and Dark-type Pokemon are super effective against Ghost types.

What is the most effective type on ghost type Pokemon?

The most effective type on ghost type is ghost. Weird, huh?

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The type of weathering that causes Ice Wedging is Mechanical/ Physical Weathering.

What are the Ghost?

Ghost-type Pokemon are weak against Ghost and Dark-type moves.

What is ghost types weaknesses Pokemon diamond?

Ghost type is weak to Ghost type and Dark type moves.

What affects ghoast Pokemon the most?

Ghost-type Pokemon are greatly affected by Dark- and Ghost-type moves.But if you're going into battle,I would recommend using the Dark-type because If you're Ghost gets hit with a Ghost-type move, you might be sunk.