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First of all, in Star Wars, Zabrak is a type of species. So, a Zabrack sith is just like any other sith, just that the person is a Zabrack. One Zabrack sith is Darth Maul.

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Being a Zabrak, he is technically red skinned with black Sith tattoos.

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Darth Talon's red skin is a characteristic of the Sith species called the Zabrak, to which she belongs. Zabrak individuals often have distinct markings and colors on their skin, with red being a common variation. It is a natural part of their physiology rather than a result of any specific trait or characteristic.

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Darth Maul is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe and a supporting villain in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Darth Maul was a Zabrak Sith, and apprentice to Darth Sidious.

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There are multiple, but you probably mean Darth Maul. He has a red double-saber, and horns on his head. Episode I.

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He was an Iridonian Zabrak.

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In Star Wars what species is maris brood?

She is a Zabrak

What is a zabrak?

its an alien fron star wars.darth maul is a zabrak and his brother savage opress is a zabrak to.darth maul was in star wars moveis on episode 1 the phantom menace and savage opress was on star wars the clone wars animated seireis on one episode named the beast.

What is savage opress's species?

savage opress's species is dathomirian zabrak

What species is Darth Maul?

Darth Maul is a Zabrak, a species known for their distinctive facial tattoos and horns. He hails from the planet Dathomir.

Is Darth maul a ninja?

No. They're not even related. Vader is a human while Maul was a Zabrak.

In Star Wars what species is Darth maul?

If you meen Drath Malak then yes, he is the leader of the Sith Empire in the award winning game "Knights Of The Old Republic". He is wrotten to the core claiming the Empire by killing his master Drath Revan (or so he thought). Malaks sinister nature emerged when he flatterned an entire planet destroying countless inocent civillians not to mention his own men just to kill one jedi. When his admeral questioned him Malak just threatened to kill him. A true bad guy.