Brandy Norwood's birth name is Brandy Rayana Norwood.
Brandy Hotard's birth name is Brandy Jeanna Hotard.
Brandy Maasch is 5' 7".
Krystal Ball's birth name is Krystal Marie Ball.
As of January 29, 2010, Brandy is alive.
brandy norwood
brandy norwood
Brandy Maasch's birth name is Brandy Heier.
Her real name is Brandy, but yes, she is Ray J's brother.
Brandy Norwood's birth name is Brandy Rayana Norwood.
Brandy Hotard's birth name is Brandy Jeanna Hotard.
Brandy's full name is Brandy Rayana Norwood.
Brandy Kopp's birth name is Brandy Lee Heidrick.
Brandy Jensen's birth name is Brandy Marrissa Jensen.
Brandy Ledford's birth name is Brandy Lee Ledford.
Brandy Hale's birth name is Brandy Marie Hale.
There is no real answer to this question. It is like asking what is the scientific name for pure cake. Brandy is a spirit made by distilling wine. Is it by nature a complex, compound substance. You could try and break it down into its component chemicals but this would not give you pure brandy...