Carl trying to get past death of Ellie.
It's an internal conflict.
The protagonist is Mr Incredible the antagonist is Syndrome
he has a conflict with growing up and going to school and getting bullied
VERY confusing question. What is the conflict of the Green Lantern, as in Hal Jordan? The conflicts of any GL, along with the problems of any other Earth hero. (secret identity, loved ones, ext.) What is the conflict of the movie Green Lantern? The large creature of fear called Parralex is responsible for most problems in that movie. What is the conflict of the Green Lantern comic books? Too many to count. What is the conflict of the Green Lantern Corps and the Guardians of Oa? Once again, too many to count. Be more specific.
The evil Queen's desire to kill Snow White permeates the movie.
a good movie to show students about conflict is...BLIND SIDE!
The conflict of the movie is having a relationship over the internet with someone you've never met before. Is it okay to open up and trust someone via instant messages and e-mails? Are they truly who they say they are? These are all conflicts in the movie.
What is the conflict of the movie taare zameen?
what is calypso's external conflict in the odyssey, part one?
the internal conflict is not being able to have his family to help him grow as an individual
up in your but
The Conflict of the Movie Angels & Demons are ...Listed1.How to Solve the mystery of the missing Fr.'s .2.Where to Find the Thing That the assasin/hassasin took to the CERN.3.Who is the Killer?That's all i know...Hope i help you..^_^
He was lost couldnt get home and had a shadow
The protagonist is Mr Incredible the antagonist is Syndrome
The movie that can be found in social studies "Mourning"
The conflict is that the witch wants to keep Rapunzel in the tower and the prince wants her to go with him.
Of course he will be in the movie. He is a main character and a major point of conflict with Katniss and Peeta.