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Q: What is head butler called?
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What is the difference between a butler and a maid?

A butler is is a head servant of the household,as the maid is a person who cleans stuff up in the house(unlike the butler) :)

What would another name for a head servant be?


What is a chief male servant called?

manservant or butler.

What DID that button do?

It called the butler.

What is a Japanese butler called?

Well, I'm not sure if this is what a Japanese butler is called, but this is what butler IS in the romanization of these two characters:執事. The word is shitsuji. Hope this helped!

Is there a novel about Rhett Butler?

Yes, it is called Rhett Butler's People by Donald McCaig.

What is the name for female butler?

They are also called Butlers.

Which book by Scott A. Butler has a character called Jacko?

The book "The Blessings of the Animals" by Scott A. Butler features a character named Jacko.

How did Octavia Butler die?

Octavia Butler died of a stroke on February 24, 2006, at the age of 58.

How do you use butler in a sentence?

The word 'butler' is a noun; a word for the chief manservant of a household; a word for a person.A noun functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.Examples:The butler was doing his job properly at that party. (subject of the sentence)The person who the butler blamed was the parlor maid. (subject of the relative clause)The master called the butler on the carpet. (direct object of the verb 'called')The staff threw a party for the butler. (object of the preposition 'for')

What is the name for a head manservant in charge of the wine cellar or valuables begins with the letter 'b'?
