You can't get Tornadus on Pokemon White. Tornadus only appears in Pokemon Black and the only to get it is to trade it from Pokemon Black.
when you vs Pokemon in the wild and when you vs trainers although some like vullaby and mandibuzz are only in black rufflet and braviary are only in white
purge don't even exist its only a hacked Pokemon but it looks like a black regirock with white chains on the body
Yes, it is found in White Forest when Grace is the resident. If not, then use the Entralink to go to Black City from Pokemon Black to see that resident.
Its called shiny pokemon. They just appear randomly or you could just use action replay.
colour blind
Yes, some people do see in black and white. This is called color blindness.
yes actually all dogs see black and white
Its not that they are only allowed it is just how the species is made they were made just to see black and white. It is something to do with the eye and how it is formed and stuff I don't know all about it but it is just the way that the species were made that they can only see black and white.
No, it just appears that way. White hairs are easier to see on black and black hairs are easier to see on white.
Dogs do see black and white. And some other colors too. Only not as well as humans.
No. only in black and white.
No, in colour
no they only see black and white
Sort of. They only see a shade of gray, black, or white.
You need to see a doctor because this is not normal.
You can't get Tornadus on Pokemon White. Tornadus only appears in Pokemon Black and the only to get it is to trade it from Pokemon Black.