Lark Voorhies is 37 years old (birthdate: March 25, 1974).
Jehovah's Witness
To the best of my knowledge, no he is not.
For 3 years, from 1989-1992.
Lark Voorhies, whose character was Lisa Turtle.
Is lark voorhies black
Lark Voorhies was born on March 25, 1974.
Lark Voorhies is 37 years old (birthdate: March 25, 1974).
As of 2012, no information has been released to the general public indicating that Lark Voorhies has vitiligo.
Ugly house
Lark Voorhies played the character of Wendy Reardon on Days Of Our Lives from 1993 - 1994.
Jehovah's Witness
To the best of my knowledge, no he is not.
Jermaine Jackson, who recently changed his last name to Jacksun, is currently married to Halima Rashid, who is no relation to Lark Voorhies. He once had a relationship with Voorhies' aunt, Alejandra Oaziaza.
I doubt she is.