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Arabella Doreen Figg

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Q: What is mrs figgs middle name in Harry Potter?
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Is harry potters middle name is James?


What is Harry's middle name in the Harry Potter series?

James, after his father.

Is Harry Potter's middle name James?

Yes, after his father James Potter.

What is the original meaning of Harry Potter?

Harry Potter is an English name. 'Harry' is the Middle English form of Henry 'Potter' a potter is a person who makes earthen vessels

What is Harry Potter's middle name?

His middle name is James, for his father. It is mentioned in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix during his trial at the Ministry of Magic. Harry also names his first born son James Sirius after his father & godfather.

Who is Lily Potter?

Lily Potter nee Evans is Harry Potter's mother. Also Harry's daughter is named Lily Luna Potter

Is it illegal to call your child Harry Potter?

No because if your last name is potter and you want to call your son Harry then it is fine, and also depends on middle name

In Harry Potter what is regulus's middle name?

Regulus Arcturus Black

What is Voldemort's full name in Harry Potter?

Harry Potter's full name is Harry James Potter. His middle name is James because that is his father's name.

What is the arabella figgs middle name in Harry Potter?

Arabella Figg is a squib who lives in Wisteria Walk in Little Whinging. She looked after Harry whenever the Dursley's went on vacation and was a witness in his trial during Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Before the fifth book Harry did not know of her magical background and was shocked to discover that not only did she know Dumbledore but that Dumbledore had asked her to keep an eye on Harry and ensure no harm came to him whilst he lived in Privet Drive.

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What is Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley's sons middle name?

They have two sons, James Sirius and Albus Severus Potter.