Not yet. According to TMZ (4-3-12), Shifty is in an ICU. He has been unconcious ad unresponsive since Thursday.
HEY!!!!!!!! That's a secret! *shifty eyes*
The cast of QC Redemption - 2008 includes: Micah Lorick as Shifty Shana McIntyre as Nicole George McPherson as Dre
he has a little brother named michael.
The cast of Ups and Downs - 1915 includes: Bobby Burns as Jabbs Frank Hanson as Runt Oliver Hardy as Shifty Mike Ethel Marie Burton as Ethel Walter Stull as Pokes
shifty painter
Shifty Disco was created in 1997.
Shifty Records was created in 1983.
He gave me a shifty look, making me question his intentions.
Shifty Burke has written: 'Peterman'
The duration of Shifty - film - is 1.43 hours.
Shifty Shellshock was born on 1974-08-23.
Shifty - film - was created on 2009-04-26.
Shifty Henry's birth name is John Willie Henry.
Shifty Henry was born on October 21, 1924, in Edina, Texas, USA.
The Shifty Shoplifter - 1918 was released on: USA: 15 April 1918