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Q: What is single linkedlist?
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What do you mean by pointer in linked list?

A pointer is a memory reference to a data structure. So when you allocate memory for your list elements, they will be stored at some address X in your system memory. A pointer is simply a variable that contains that address X. You can access the memory that a pointer points to by dereferrencing it with the * operator.Ex:int main(){LinkedList *x; /* Declare a pointer to a linked list (a type which you would have to define using "struct" or "class") */x = new LinkedList(); /* Here we create (aka "instantiate") a LinkedList object and allocate memory for it, x now contains (points to) the memory address of our LinkedList object */// You can now access any LinkedList members through x, for example x->next might point you to the next element of your LinkedList

Benefit of inner class in java?

Inner classes are very useful for classes that are written specifically to be used with the encompassing class. A good example of this would be a LinkedListNode class being part of a LinkedList class: public class LinkedList { private LinkedListNode root; private class LinkedListNode { private Object data; private LinkedListNode nextNode; } } No class except your LinkedList class needs to know anything about the LinkedListNode class. So we hide it so no one else needs to worry about what it does.

How many methods does the Java built in class LinkedList have as standard?

According to the Java 1.6 API, LinkedList has: * 39 methods * 2 constructors * 28 methods inherited from superclasses and interfaces * ** 1 from AbstractSequentialList ** 5 from AbstractList ** 5 from AbstractCollection ** 7 from Object ** 9 from List ** 1 from Deque Which gives it a total of 69 methods.

What is difference between ArrayList and LinkedList?

ArrayListLinkedList1. ArrayList uses a dynamic array.1..Linked List uses doubly linked list.2. ArrayList is not efficient for manipulation because a lot of shifting is required.2.. LinkedList is efficient for manipulation

Java program to traverse a single linked list?

There are several ways to traverse a LinkedList object in Java... LinkedList<Integer> nums = new LinkedList<Integer>(); // Assume nums is filled with some ints. We don't care which. // Very inefficient method. This method has a O(n2) efficiency, since each time you call the // LinkedList.get(n) method, you're iterating through the first n items. for(int i = 0; i < nums.size(); ++i) { System.out.println(nums.get(i)); } // More efficient method. This method has a O(n) efficiency, since you only iterate once per // item. for(Iterator<Integer> it = nums.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { System.out.println(; } // Equally efficient as above. Uses some Java syntactic sugar to mask the above // implementation in a nicer presentation using the for-each loop. for(Integer n:nums) { System.out.println(n); }

Does a collection require an array?

No. While there are quite a few which use arrays to store their data (ArrayList, HashMap, Vector, etc.) the typical counter example is a LinkedList. Java's implementation of the LinkedList class uses the standard method of connecting elements in the list. You can even consider a collection as something that is similar to an array but with enhanced features. Collections have a lot of features that arrays do not have.

How to merge two single linked list using c?

Here is the java version, C should be similar // merges two Singly linked lists A and B, both sorted in increasing order of integers . // Return a Singly linked list sorted in increasing order // for ex if A = 1->2->3->6 and B = 2->4->7, returns 1->2->2->3->4->6->7 public LinkedList merge(LinkedList A, LinkedList B) { Node 1A = A.head; Node 1B = B.head; Node P1A = NULL; Node 2A = NULL; Node 2B = NULL; while ( 1A != NULL && 1B !=NULL){ 2A =; 2B =; if (1A.item >= 1B.item) { if (P1A != NULL) { = 1B; } else if ( P1A == NULL){ P1A = 1B; } = 1A; P1A = 1B; 1B = 2B; } else if ( 1A.item < 1B.item){ if ( 2A != NULL) { P1A = 1A; 1A =; } else{ = 1B; break; } } } return A; }

What difference LinkedList and ArrayList?

public class ArrayList public class LinkedList extends AbstractList extends AbstractSequentialList implements List, RandomAccess, Cloneable, Serializableimplements List, Cloneable, Serializable Resizable-array implementation of the List interface.Linked list implementation of the List interface Implements all optional list operations, and permits all elements, including null. Implements all optional list operations, and permits all elements (including null).

Can you insert a node at any place in linklist without traversing it?

Yes, with limitations... If you have the address of a node in the linklist, you can insert a node after that node. If you need to insert the node before that node, you need to traverse the list, unless the linklist is a doubly-linkedlist

What is mean linked list in java?

A LinkedList is an implementation of the List interface. It is a collection that is ordered by index position, and the elements are doubly-linked to one another. The linking allows for addition and removal of elements from beginning or end. This class, as of Java 5, also implements the java.util.Queue interface.

How do you create a FIFO collection using Java?

There's a great class called LinkedList that implements the Queue interface. To get an instance of it, use the following code snippet: import java.util.*; Queue queue = new LinkedList<T>(); where T is the type of the objects that will go in the queue. Remember the parentheses, as they drove me crazy during one memorable day working out why exactly that same line, minus the parentheses, kept on throwing me a rather unintelligible error. Example: Queue<String> q = new java.util.LinkedList<String>() q.add("a") q.add("b") q.add("c") Calling q.getFirst() returns the value "a". Likewise, to create a Last-in first out (LIFO) collection, you use a Stack (java.util.Stack).

What is a linear queue?

A linear queue models the FIFO(first in first out) data structure, much like a line in real life. The first person in line will be the first person served, in queues the first element to be added is the first that can be removed. The only adding point is to the end of the list and the only removal point is the beginning of the list. Queue<String> q = new LinkedList<String>(); // The LinkedList class implements Queue q.add("Bob"); // Now Bob is at the front of the queue q.add("Stacy"); // Stacy after Bob q.add("Will"); // and Will after her String removed = q.remove(); // Bob is removed q.add("Michael"); Michael is added after Will System.out.println(q); // Prints ["Stacy", "Will", "Michael"]