

Best Answer

Different people have different opinions in books, here are mine:-

1.Prisoner of Askaban

2.Deathly Hallows

3.Goblet of fire

4.Order of the Phoenix

5.Chamber of Secrets

6.Sorcerer's stone

7.Half-blood prince

In my opinion, I would give it 9/10 because they could have explained everything in an easier language so kids could undersatand it more easily.


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Q: What is the 7th Harry Potter rated?
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Is the radio scene potter watch from the 7th Harry Potter book in the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 movie?

Unfortunately, no.

Where do Harry Ron and Hermione go when they are fugitives in the 7th Harry Potter book?

Malfoy Manor?

When is the last Harry Potter movie in theaters?

'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' - Part 1 is rated PG13 which opens 19th November 2010 .

What is Rupert Grint working on?

Rupet Grint is working on the 7th Harry Potter. I think the next movie will be called Harry Potter and the deathly hallow.

When does the 7th Harry Potter come out on DVD in the US?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Parts 1 & 2 has already been released on DVD in the US.

Related questions

What is the name of 7th part of Harry Potter?

The 7th part of the Harry Potter series is called "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

Are the Harry Potter or Twilight movies rated the highest?

Harry Potter

Is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets rated M?

No, like Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, it is rated PG. All of the other movies are rated M.

Is there going to be a 7th Harry Potter book?

Yes there is. It's called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Has Harry Potter 7 started?

There is a book for Harry Potter &, but not a movie yet. in 2010 there will be a 7th movie

What is the seventh item in Harry Potter?

if you mean the 7th horcrux, well it was harry Potter hope this helps

Is the 7th Harry Potter book out?


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What is Harry potter the seventh rated?

PG-13 That is what they are all rated

What is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone rated?

In the UK and US Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stoneis rated PG for some scary moments and mild language. The full ratings for each country are listed on IMDb.

Are they cutting Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in half?

no. the 6th Harry Potter will be one movie. the 7th, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, will be 2 parts.

When will the seventh Harry Potter book come out?

The 7th Harry Potter book came out on July 21st, 2007