Hal Linden as Captain Barney Miller - Max Gail as Detective Stan "Wojo" Wojciehowicz - James Gregory as Deputy Inspector Franklin D. Luger - Ron Glass as Detective Ron Harris - Abe Vigoda as Sergeant Philip K. Fish - Jack Soo as Sergeant Nick Yemana - Barbara Barrie as Elizabeth "Liz" Miller - Gregory Sierra as Sergeant Miguel "Chano" Amangual - Ron Carey as Officer Carl Levitt .
Cast members that were in 10 or more episodes include:
Hal Linden - Capt. Barney Miller
Max Gail - Det. Stan 'Wojo' Wojciehowicz
Ron Glass - Det. Ron Harris
Steve Landesberg - Det. Sgt. Arthur Dietrich
Ron Carey - Officer Carl Levitt
Jack Soo - Det. Sgt. Nick Yemana
Abe Vigoda - Det. Phil Fish
James Gregory - Inspector Frank Luger
Barbara Barrie - Elizabeth Miller
Gregory Sierra - Det. Sgt. Chano Amenguale
George Murdock - Lt. Ben Scanlon
No one. John Malkovich is not in Barney Miller. He gets mistaken for Wojo in Barney Miller, but the actual actor's name is Max Gail.
in the first season one episode named 'stakeout' had partial cast in an apartment for most of the show. may be more
Barney Miller was an American comedy television series that aired in the mid 70's. Created by Danny Arnold and Theodore Flicker. The show aired 8 seasons until the end in May of 1982.
The role of Officer Carl Levitt was played by Ron Carey .
The cast of OK MNX - 1928 includes: Barney Hellum as Barney Google
The duration of Barney Miller is 1560.0 seconds.
Barney Miller was created on 1975-01-23.
Barney Miller was filmed at ABC Studio in Hollywood, CA.
Barney Miller - 1974 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG
The TV show "Barney Miller" aired from January 23, 1975, through May 20, 1982 .
Barney Miller : Season Four (1977) does not yet have a release date .
No one. John Malkovich is not in Barney Miller. He gets mistaken for Wojo in Barney Miller, but the actual actor's name is Max Gail.
The show Barney Miller was set in New York City; Greenwich Villiage to be exact.
The fine jazz and studio bassist Chuck Berghofer was the bass player on the Barney Miller theme.
in the first season one episode named 'stakeout' had partial cast in an apartment for most of the show. may be more
12th Precinct.