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Q: What is the Movement at the ankle that brings the foot closer to the shin is?
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A movement that brings the foot closer to the shin is called?

d. dorsiflexion

Ankle is what to the foot?

The ankle is closer to the body than the foot so it is proximal.

Is the ankle is proximal to the foot?

Proximal, anything closer to midsection in proximal (closer) than distal (distant).

When the ankle is flexed raises the foot the movement is termed?


What is moving the sole of the foot outward at the ankle called?

Plantar abduction. Movement inward is adduction. Upward movement of the foot is called dorsiflexion. Downward movement of the foot is called plantar flexion.

What two joints does the gastrocenimicis act on?

The knee joint (flexion, movement of the leg) and the ankle joint (plantarflexion, movement of the foot)

What is dorsiflexion?

Dorsiflexion happens when the toes are brought closer to the shin and decreases the ankle between the leg and the dorsum of the foot. Walking on your heels causes dorsiflexion of your ankle.

How can the term flexion apply to opposite movement of the foot?

The bending of the foot at the ankle has been argued which movenment is flexion and which extendtion. So to avoid arguemnet both lifting and lowerng the foot at the ankle was termed flexion. Dorsiflexion and plantarflexion respectively.

Did I sprain my foot?

This is what a foot sprain would feel like. Pain with movement or activity over the affected site. Swelling on the outside or inside of the foot or ankle. Walking with a limp. Bruising around the inside or outside of the foot or ankle. Hope you feel better. #Sabrina

What is extending the foot at the ankle is referred as?

To "point your foot" in extension at the ankle is, in fact, "extension" of the foot, where as, to pull the foot/toes up toward the knee is flexion of the foot. To turn the foot inward is supination and to turn it outward is pronation. Hope that helps to clear up any confusion about the terms related to movement of the foot.

Where is metatarsal located on foot?

The metatarsals are technically the foot bones just beyond the ankle. They are between your ankle bones and the toes.