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Q: What is the antoym for against?
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What kind of Pokemon types are super effective on other's?

Bug TypeGood against Grass, Psychic, DarkBad against Fire, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Ghost, SteelDark TypeGood against: Ghost, PsychicBad against: Fighting, Dark SteelDragon TypeGood against: DragonBad against: Ice, SteelElectric TypeGood against: Water, FlyingBad against: Grass, Electric, Ground, DragonFighting TypeGood against: Normal, Ice, Rock, Dark, SteelBad against: Poison, Flying, Bug, Ghost , PsychicFire TypeGood against: Grass, Ice, Bug, SteelBad against: Water, Fire, Dragon, RockFlying TypeGood against: Grass, Fighting, BugBad against: Electric, Rock, SteelGhost TypeGood against: Ghost, PsychicBad against: Dark, SteelGrass TypeGood against: Water, Ground, RockBad against: Fire, Grass, Poison, Flying, Bug, Dragon, SteelGround TypeGood against: Fire, Poison, Electric, Rock, SteelBad against: Grass, Flying, BugIce TypeGood against: Grass, Ground, Flying, DragonBad against: Water, Ice, Fire, SteelNormal TypeBad against: Fighting, Ghost, Rock, SteelPoisonGood against: GrassBad against: Poison, Ground, Rock, Ghost, SteelPsychic TypeGood against: Fighting, PoisonBad against: Psychic, Dark, SteelRock TypeGood against: Ice, Fire, Flying, BugBad against: Fighting, Ground, SteelSteel TypeGood against: Ice, RockBad against: Water, Fire, Water, SteelWater TypeGood against: Fire, Ground, RockBad against: Water, Grass, Dragon

What Pokemon types are weak against what?

fire: effective against: steel, grass, bug, ice Weak against: Dragon, water, fire, rock Water: Effective against: rock, ground, fire Weak against: water, grass, ice, dragon Grass: Effective against: water, ground, rock Weak against: grass, fire Dark: Effective against: ghost, psychic Weak against: dark, fighting, rock, steel Fighting: Effective against: dark, steel, normal, ice, rock Weak against: bug, poison, flying, psychic Not-Affected: ghost Electric: Effective against: flying, water Weak against: dragon, grass, electric Not-Affected: rock, ground Ground: Effective against: poison, steel, electric, fire, rock Weak against: bug, grass Not-Affected: flying Flying: Effective against: grass, fighting, bug Weak against: electric, steel, rock Poison: Effective against: grass Weak against: ghost, rock, ground, poison Not-Affected: Steel Dragon: Effective against: dragon Weak against: steel Steel: Effective against: rock, ice Weak against: electric, water, fire, steel Ice: Effective against: grass, rock, flying, dragon, ground Weak against: water, steel, ice, fire Rock: Effective against: flying, fire, bug, ice Weak against: rock, ground, fighting, steel Ghost: Effective against: ghost psychic Weak against: dark, steel Not-Affected: normal Bug: Effective against: dark, psychic, grass Weak against: fighting, steel, fire, flying, ghost, poison Psychic: Effective against: fighting, poison Weak against: psychic, steel Not-Affected: dark

Was Phyllis Schlafly for or against the ERA?


What is Pokemon weakness?

YOU NEED TO BE MORE SPECIFIC! which type of Pokemon do you want to know about?Here are a few:Normal is weak against fighting/ghostFire is weak against water/groundWater is weak against grass/electricGrass is weak against flying/fireFlying is weak against electric/iceGround is weak against grass/water/steelFighting is weak against psychic/flyingIce is weak against fireElectric is weak against groundPsychic is weak against psychicThere are 17 elements total, not all of them are listed above

What Pokemon types are good for a team?

grass= good against water, rock water=good against fire,rock steel fire= good against steel, grass, bug ice=good against grass, electric dark=good against anything ghost=good against normal, fighting fighting=good against normal flying good against fighting rock good against flying steel good against electric, flying poison=good against bug, flying, normal psychic=good against fighting, poison dragon good against dragon,