Gertrude Le Brandt was born on July 1, 1863, in Illinois, USA.
Le Fooks's birth name is Le Fooks.
Saffron Le Bon's birth name is Saffron Sahara Le Bon.
Roger Le Mesurier's birth name is Roger Paul Le Mesurier.
Tallulah Le Bon's birth name is Tallulah Pine Le Bon.
Gertrude Le Brandt was born on July 1, 1863, in Illinois, USA.
Gertrude Le Brandt died on August 28, 1955, in Hollywood, California, USA.
Joseph Le Brandt was born in c. 1864.
Le Fooks's birth name is Le Fooks.
Samuel Le's birth name is Xuyen Tu Le.
Gertrude Le Brandt has: Played Mrs. Stimson in "Faith" in 1916. Performed in "A Dream or Two Ago" in 1916. Played Mrs. J.G. Nottingham in "Annie-for-Spite" in 1917. Played Mrs. Sanders in "Melissa of the Hills" in 1917. Played Mary in "Rose of the World" in 1918. Played Mrs. Tressler in "Through the Toils" in 1919. Performed in "Wild Oats" in 1919.
Haylee Le's birth name is Baylee Nguyen.
Alyson Le Borges's birth name is Alysson Le Borges.
Mike Le Han's birth name is Michael Le Han.
The cast of Wild Oats - 1919 includes: Leslie Hunt William Jefferson Gertrude Le Brandt Emily Marceau Logan Paul
Saffron Le Bon's birth name is Saffron Sahara Le Bon.
Roger Le Mesurier's birth name is Roger Paul Le Mesurier.