Tasos Halkias's birth name is Anastasios Halkias.
Tava's birth name is Gustav von Will.
Peggy Bates's birth name is Margaret Gaines.
Rambha's birth name is Vijayalakshmi.
Vijayakanth's birth name is Vijayraj.
uminohis name in the manga isumino iruka
If you mean Iruka from Naruto then it's Umino!
'iruka' means 'dolphin'.
iruka should be with shizune
Soga no Iruka died in 645.
"Iruka" means goodness or kindness in Igbo.
it is episodes 176-178 they are: rookie instructor iruka, iruka's ordeal and iruka's decision
You have high moral character, like teaching children, are kind and patient. i am assuming your speaking of the character Iruka, as your asking how do I act like Iruka. He is a Japanese Sensei from the animated series Naruto
It is Iruka.