Lleyton Hewitt was born on February 24, 1981.
Lleyton Hewitt is 36 years old (birthdate: February 24, 1981).
Bec Hewitt's birth name is Rebecca June Cartwright.
They have the same name "Jennifer"
Jennifer love hewitt
lleyton hewitt is Australian
No! Lleyton Hewitt's father is named Glynn Hewitt.
Lleyton Hewitt is a famous tennis player.
Lleyton Hewitt was born on February 24, 1981.
Lleyton Hewitt was born on February 24, 1981.
No, Lleyton's father is named Glynn, a former Australian Rules Football player.
Lleyton Hewitt was born February 24, 1981 in Adelaide, Australia.
Lleyton Hewitt is 36 years old (birthdate: February 24, 1981).
in asia?
cause he did.....