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Q: What is the comparency of demosthenes and valentine alike?
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How does Valentine feel about being Demosthenes?

Valentine has mixed feelings about her pseudonym. She hates the ideas of Demosthenes, yet she loves the power. Valentine, like her brother Peter, has a liking of power. Demosthenes is a demagogue; Valentine is a child demagogue and, if Ender had not been who he was and if Earth had continued to be the only planet humans knew about, Valentine would have grown up to be a politician, most likely the rival of Peter.Instead she became the mysterious Demosthenes written about in O.S. Card's Speaker for the Dead.

Who is demosthenes in Ender's Game?

Demosthenes is a pseudonym used by Valentine Wiggin, one of the main characters in "Ender's Game." She uses this persona to write political articles and gain influence in the online community.

What are Peter and Valentine doing and how in chapter 9 in Ender's Game?

In Chapter 9 of Ender's Game, Peter and Valentine collaborate on an online pseudonym called Locke and Demosthenes respectively. They use their alter egos to influence public opinion and politics through writing and online discussions. They each have their own viewpoints and goals, which they try to achieve by manipulating the online community.

How are Christmas and Valentine's Day alike?

Both holidays have traditions and symbols

What pseudonyms do peter and Valentine chose for themselves from Ender's Game?

Peter chose the pseudonym "Locke" and Valentine chose the pseudonym "Demosthenes" in "Ender's Game." Peter used his alias to write political essays, while Valentine used hers to write about humanitarian issues and philosophy.

Who tried to warn the Greeks that Philip was a threat to their independence?


Was Demosthenes a sophist?

No, demosthenes was an Athenian general.

What has the author Demosthenes Panato written?

Demosthenes Panato has not authored any known works.

What did Demosthenes do?

Demosthenes led the Athenian opposition straight to Philip. Hope this helps!

Demosthenes is remembered as one of the great greek what?

Demosthenes was one of the greatest orators in ancient Greece.

Where did Demosthenes live or rule?

Demosthenes lived in Athens and was a Senator in their government.

In the book Ender's Game what is the irony seen between demosthenes and Locke?

In "Ender's Game," the irony between Demosthenes and Locke lies in the fact that both characters are actually the same person, Ender's brother Peter, who is using these personas to manipulate public opinion but in opposing ways. Demosthenes represents Peter's ruthless and manipulative side, while Locke embodies his compassionate and reasonable side. This dynamic showcases the duality of human nature and the complexity of moral decision-making.