Super Saiyan releases vast power in a Saiyan. The power is inherent in them and natural to them, but it's only released in response to great need (and rage).
'Majin' is a power-up produced by wizardry that confers powers on someone. Powers beyond what they naturally have (probably the best example is Spopovich: he was clearly outclassed by Videl in their fight, but he beat her senseless anyway, simply because he had power beyond what his own abilities really were; for instance, he could fly even though he hadn't trained nearly enough to know how to use his ki).
Majin Goku
he has four super saiyan1 super saiyan 2 (otherwise known as ascended saiyan vegeta calls it that ) super saiyan 3 (which he uses to fight majin buu)an- super saiyan 4 which doesnt come til dragonball gt there are four levels but if you want technical he has a 5th wich can be considered the 4th since he fused together with vegeta to create super saiyan vegito but he also somtimes turns into gogeta so it depends hope this helps -animaze24 Yeah but since battle of gods there is more for example super saiyan god/ super saiyan blue added by - SonicTV even though this is my school email.
A vast amount So far we haveGoku (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3)Vegeta (Base, Super Saiyan)Majin VegetaKid GohanTeen Gohan (Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)PiccoloKrillinYamchaTien ShinhanSaibamenNappaVegeta (Scouter)RecoomeJeiceBurterCaptain GinyuZarbon (Base, transformed)Frieza (1st Form, 2nd Form, Final Form, 100% Power)Future Trunks (Base, Sword) (Base, Super Saiyan)Dr. GeroAndroid 19Android 18Android 17Android 16Cell (Imperfect Form, Semi-Perfect Form, Perfect Form, Super Perfect Form)Cell Jr.Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan)Bardock
All the forms of Majin Buu are Majin buu Pure evil buu super pure evil buu (majin buu absorbed) super buu ( gotenks absorbed) super buu (Piccolo absorbed ) super buu (ultimate gohan absorbed) Kid buu .
There is no such thing as a super saiyan 5
he turned into super saiyan 2 when he turned into Majin vegeta by Babidi
Super Saiyan Super Saiyan 3 Super Saiyan 4 Super Saiyan 5 (platinum elite) Majin Saiyan Legendary Super Saiyan (only for Broly, of course)
yes there is. He became super saiyan 2 when he became majin vegeta by Babidi and since then he was able to transform at will.
Majin Goku
his forehead is more visible in the SSJ2 form
goku turnes super saiyan in dbzkai is episode 47 and ends freeza in episode 48
A super saiyan god is the saiyan among super saiyans its in between super saiyan 3 and super saiyan 4 super saiyan god has red hair and red eyes.
When he became majin vegeta by Babidi and since then he was able to transform at will.
i believe that the hair is bigger on ss2 and he will have more muscles on his body
Because it is set before the Majin Buu Saga where Videl is still pregnant with Pan. Pan shows up in the Majin Buu saga
The looks don't change much but the power difference is incredible! Its like nearly 4 times his regular power at full power. Super saiyan is like only 2 times his full power at normal.
Goku (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3)Vegeta (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)Vegeta (Scouter)Majin VegetaVegito (Super Saiyan)Super GogetaKid GohanTeen Gohan (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)Adult Gohan (Base, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2)Ultimate GohanFuture Trunks (Sword) (Base, Super Saiyan)Future Trunks (Base, Super Saiyan)Kid Trunks (Base, Super Saiyan)Goten (Base, Super Saiyan)Gotenks (Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3)PiccoloKrillinTienYamchaChiaotzuVidelRaditzNappaSaibamanFrieza (1st Form, 2nd Form, 3rd Form, Final Form, Full Power)Zarbon (Base, Post-Transformation)DodoriaCuiCaptain GinyuJeiceBurterRecoomeGuldoFrieza SoldierCell (Imperfect Form, Semi-Perfect Form, Perfect Form, Super Perfect)Cell JrAndroid 16Android 17Android 18Android 19Dr. GeroMajin BuuSuper Buu (Base, Gohan Absorbed)Kid BuuDaburaBardockBroly (Legendary Super Saiyan)