Avatar Aang gets severely wounded in the finale of season two, "The Crossroads of Destiny." The wound not only kills Aang's physical body, (which is restored by Katara's Spirit Waters) but also serves to completely block the Avatar state within him until (Spoilers) the Lion Turtle teaches him to command energy itself during Sozin's comet in the series finale.
Ash gets hurt by Arbok in episode 56 of Pokémon. The episode is named the Ultimate Test and aired in the US in 1999.
Oh man there are so many... Let's see: In the LT: He gets hurt training in Camp Half-Blood, gets hurt during capture the flag, gets hurt all they times he gets attacked by monsters, gets hurt during his fight with Ares... Come to think of it, I think Percy gets hurt in pretty much every chapter of every book after about chapter 3 of TLT all the way up till after his final fight with Kronos.
the answer will probulary never be known because what he did couldn't be shown in the episode.
By participating in a dance off with his (500) Days of Summer coworkers.
It doesn't happen in the anime but it happens in the manga I'm not sure which chapter though.
In several, there are too many to list. He is a fighter, he gets hurt all the time. He gets hurt in the very first episode to give an idea.
It would be easier to name the episodes that she does not get hurt in. :)Just watch the show for yourself and find out.
Kisshu gets hurt in Episode 50 "A New Mew." In this episode, there is a battle between the Mew Mews and the aliens, leading to Kisshu getting injured.
He gets hurt in Book 2, Earth, Chapter 8, when he is shot with fire by Azula after he, Zuko, and Team Avatar had her cornered in the Earth Kingdom. That happens at the very end of the episode, which closes by showing Zuko very distraught at his uncle's injury. Chapter 9 continues with Iroh having a dream about his beloved son, Luten, when he was still alive as a child, and then waking up to find Zuko tending his wounds. This is about the only time in the entire series that I can recall Iroh sustaining an injury.
If you watch the show you will see he gets hurt in almost all of them.
Harpooned?? If your referring to the times when Brennan gets hurt there are many times.
49 its the one that takes place during christmas
Logan gets hurt doing a stunt with the Life and Death Brigade in Season 6, Episode 20 of Gilmore Girls.
Yes, the flying bison is hurt by sand-benders. Its shown in the episode of Avatar "Library" The above answer is wrong, The bison may have been hurt, but it did not die there. Appa does die, Only due to old age though.
In the Tokyo Mew Mew anime, Masaya gets hurt in Episode 10, titled "A Crisis of Seven People! Transform Pudding." Towards the end of the episode, Ichigo reveals her identity as Mew Ichigo to Masaya as she tries to save him from an attack by the Chimera Anima.
Ash gets hurt by Arbok in episode 56 of Pokémon. The episode is named the Ultimate Test and aired in the US in 1999.
Suction Cup Symphony.Enjoy :)