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Q: What is the movie with the kids living in the desert with a hover board?
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Related questions

In which movie was Hoverboard used?

A hover board was used on the Back to the Future movies, starring Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd. In the movies, Marty (Michael J. Fox's character) used the hover board in the future.

What size is the Sahara Jumangi Desert?

Jumangi is strictly a fictional place in a movie and board game. The actual Sahara Desert is 9,400,000+ square kilometers or 3,320,000+ square miles.

How do you select shows in Netflix?

On a desktop: To add a movie to your List, you can hover over it, and then click on "+ My List." To watch a movie, hover over the movie, and then click on the play button. On mobile: To add a movie to your List, click on the movie, then click on "+ My List." To watch a movie, click on the movie, then click on the movie again from the movie's main page.

How do you hover in The Bee Movie Game?

Well, for the PS2 it is L2, but I don't know about the other consoles.

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Why does every movie desert have saguaro cacti?

Not every movie desert has a saguaro cacti, but they are common because they are easily recognizable as a desert plant to viewers. Also, it has almost become a tradition in the film industry.

How are hover boards made?

They are purely fiction. The actor Michael J. Fox is first seen riding one in the movie Back to the Future, but the 'hovering' was just a movie special effect, as it was in other hovering boards in some later movies. Basically it is a normal skate board without wheels. Hover boards have never been made - and could not be made - in real life, since a real hovercraft effect could only be created by something much larger and much more elaborate (and engine-driven) than a simple wooden plank.

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Laurel and Hardy

In the movie 2012 where was the south pole located?

in the movie the south pole moved to the desert

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Palm d'or

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What movie did it have both a board game and movie?

Clue or Cluedo (depending on your country)