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Q: What is the name of the ball in the middle of the atom?
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What is in the middle of each atom?

Protons and neutrons. They are located in the nucleus (the middle of the atom).

Srtucture of an atom?

The structure of an atom, it has electrons, protons and neutrons. The electrons circle around the middle of the atom and the middle of the atom is made up of protons and neutrons.

What is located in the middle of a hydrogen atom?

what is located in the middle of any atom is it's nucleus. The nucleus of an atom generally contains a mix of protons and neutrons but a hydrogen atom contains only one proton. So in answer to your question, a proton is in the middle of a hydrogen atom.

Is a ball made of atom?


What is an atomic radius?

Atomic radius is the measure from the middle of an atom to the outter edge. Usually mesured between two atom. Measure from the middle of one atom to the middle of another and then divide by two.

What is an atom that contains the protons and neutrons?

It is the nucleus. It is the middle of the atom

Where is the nucleus in an atom?

in the middle

What is a small ball with a hole in the middle?

A small ball with a hole in the middle is probably a Bead.

What subatomic particle is not contained within the nucleus of an atom?

The electron is not located in the nucleus of an atom. Rather, they orbit around the outside of it.

What is the radius of a ball?

If you cut the ball in half, then find the middle, it would be the distance from the middle to the edge.

What color is the middle of a zinc atom?

The middle of any atom has no color because it is so very small that it can not be seen using light.