the autobots and decpticons race to get to the crashed ship on the moon and discover its secrets
The Autobots:Sentinel PrimeOptimus PrimeBumblebeeIronhideRatchetSideswipeWheelieBrainsDinoQueThe Wreckers: Roadbuster, Leadfoot,and TopspinDecepticons:MegatronShockwaveStarscreamSoundwaveRavageLaserbeakIgorDreads: Crowbar, Hatchet, and Crankcase
yes he died in transformers dark of the moon when sentinel prime betrayed the autobots he shot him like 2 or 3 times
You're asking the wrong question. You should ask: Does Transformers Dark of the Moon have a plot? ;-) The answer is, it does, but barely. (spoilers) It turns out there are a number of transformers inactive on the moon, refugees from the initial conflict between the autobots and the decepticons. One of them is Sentinel Prime, who has invented a teleportation device. He has sides with the Decepticons because they're interested in teleporting the whole transformers home world to earth. There's a huge battle in Chicago, the autobots win, Optimus Prime destroys Megatron and Sentinel Prime, losing an arm in the process. Oh, and Sam gets the girl.
The Autobots.
the autobots and decpticons race to get to the crashed ship on the moon and discover its secrets
The Autobots:Sentinel PrimeOptimus PrimeBumblebeeIronhideRatchetSideswipeWheelieBrainsDinoQueThe Wreckers: Roadbuster, Leadfoot,and TopspinDecepticons:MegatronShockwaveStarscreamSoundwaveRavageLaserbeakIgorDreads: Crowbar, Hatchet, and Crankcase
yes he died in transformers dark of the moon when sentinel prime betrayed the autobots he shot him like 2 or 3 times
Yes. Transformers: Dark of the Moon was released on July 28/29th, 2011.
You're asking the wrong question. You should ask: Does Transformers Dark of the Moon have a plot? ;-) The answer is, it does, but barely. (spoilers) It turns out there are a number of transformers inactive on the moon, refugees from the initial conflict between the autobots and the decepticons. One of them is Sentinel Prime, who has invented a teleportation device. He has sides with the Decepticons because they're interested in teleporting the whole transformers home world to earth. There's a huge battle in Chicago, the autobots win, Optimus Prime destroys Megatron and Sentinel Prime, losing an arm in the process. Oh, and Sam gets the girl.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) is rated PG-13.
"Transformers : Dark of the Moon" has a release date : July 1st, 2011
No one. Optimus Prime stars as himself in Transformers Dark of the Moon.
Well it war probaly sentanil prime, leader of the autobots before potimus, other possibilities are unicron, but the size of unicron is supposed to be bigger than earth so i doubt, but bay messes alot of stuff up so......
TRANSFORMERS 3: The dark of the moon