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I think you're thinking of Jackson Pollack.

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Q: What is the name of the painter from the 70-80s that threw paint on the canvas and called it art?
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How do you use painter's tape to make a straight line on canvas with paint without having the paint seep under the tape?

Star with a well stretched canvas. Gesso or prime the canvas. Place your painter's tape firmly on the surface of the canvas. With the edge of an old credit card, carefully press the edges down. Do not over stretch the canvas or damage the surface. Apply your paint from the tape to the canvas (NOT from the canvas to the tape) give the paint time to set up but not dry completely. Remove the tape in a slow steady movement pulling down and toward the painted area... do not allow the tape to sag and mar the fresh paint or leave wet paint in undesireable places. Allow the paint to dry completely.

A painter uses a canvas to make en art?

Yes, Usually Painters use canvases to paint on.

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Degas was a painter, Horseracing in Longhcamps is oil paint on canvas.

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Who is Jackson Pollock and what does he do?

He has been dead since 1956, but he was a painter who was famous for putting canvas upon the floor and splattering paint all over them.

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Van Gogh was an oil painter.

What is a description of Oil on Canvas What does it mean?

oil is meaning to a type of paint which is oil paint and a canvas, something you paint on.

What medium did van Gogh use in his 'Starry Night' painting?

The Starry Night is an oil-on-canvas painting by Vincent van Gogh.

What are the materials used in weeping women in pablo pic?

pablo picasso did not have respect for his women this was what people called the blue period

What tools did van Gogh use in 'The Starry Night'?

he used oil paints on canvas and paint brushes

What medium was the Mona Lisa painted in?

Oil paint on board.