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Q: What is the pokemon genesects pre evolution?
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What Pokemon does Ditto lay an egg with in Pokemon black?

if that pokemon is a stage 1 or 2,it will hatch the pre- or pre-pre evolution.

Is tropius a basic Pokemon?

No, Tropius is a one-stage Pokemon. A basic Pokemon is a 2nd stage Pokemon - a Pokemon that has evolved from a pre-evolution, but not yet evolved to its final evolution.

What is the pre-evolved form of onix?

The is no pre-evolution of onixOnix is a stage 1 pokemon

Does Ledian evolve in pokemon leafgreen?

No, but it has the pre-evolution of ledyba.

What level does wheezing evolve at on Pokemon diamond?

Weezing does not evolve, Koffing, it's pre evolution does however.

Related questions

Can all Pokemon evolve?

No, not every Pokemon is able to evolve. Some Pokemon have only a single form, meaning that it does not have a pre-evolution or evolution. Legendary Pokemon are most prevalent in this aspect - none of them have a pre-evolution or evolution.

What is the name of the cat Pokemon in Pokemon white and black?

i forget the pre evelution of it. but the Pokemon is leipard and its pre evolution. if some one knows the pre evolution post it because i want to know to.

What Pokemon does Ditto lay an egg with in Pokemon black?

if that pokemon is a stage 1 or 2,it will hatch the pre- or pre-pre evolution.

Which Pokemon is the smallest version of donphan pokemon?

Phanpy is the pre-evolution of Donphan.

Who evolves before grimer in Pokemon?

Grimer does not have a pre-evolution. The Pokemon before Grimer in the PokeDex is Dewgong, evolution of Seel.

Is tropius a basic Pokemon?

No, Tropius is a one-stage Pokemon. A basic Pokemon is a 2nd stage Pokemon - a Pokemon that has evolved from a pre-evolution, but not yet evolved to its final evolution.

What Pokemon evolves into Arceus?

It doesn't evolve or have a pre-evolution

What is the pre-evolved form of onix?

The is no pre-evolution of onixOnix is a stage 1 pokemon

Is brozong a legendary Pokemon?

No; it evolves from Bronzor. All legendary pokemon do not evolve or have a pre-evolution.

Does Ledian evolve in pokemon leafgreen?

No, but it has the pre-evolution of ledyba.

What is the the evolution of shuppet in Pokemon?

It evolves into Banette. It's a Ghost type Pokemon, pre-evolution of Shuppet. Shuppet evolves into Banette at level 37.

What is tropius first evolution?

. well in these four generation of Pokemon , tropius doint have any evolution or pre evolution ... but who knows...maby in later generations there could be one pre evoution or evolution for tropius. i expect that these helped you! :).