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Q: What is the purpose of Basel action network?
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When was Basel Mission created?

Basel Mission was created in 1815.

When was Theater Basel created?

Theater Basel was created in 1834.

When was Claudia Federspiel born?

Claudia Federspiel was born in 1935, in Basel, Kanton Basel Stadt, Switzerland.

When was Roland Rasser born?

Roland Rasser was born on July 27, 1932, in Basel, Kanton Basel Stadt, Switzerland.

When was Alfred Lucca born?

Alfred Lucca was born on September 8, 1909, in Basel, Kanton Basel Stadt, Switzerland.

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Fluoride Action Network was created in 2000.

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There is a main difference between Basel II and Basel III. In Basel III, there is a 4.5% capital buffer to absorb shock. With Basel II, there is no capital buffer.

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The motto of Rainforest Action Network is 'Environmentalism with teeth.'.

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Basel's population is 028.

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Consenting Adult Action Network was created in 2008.

When was Uganda Conflict Action Network created?

Uganda Conflict Action Network was created in 2005.

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Pro-Choice Action Network was created in 1987.