There is no quick way, Dragonair will take a long time to evolve...
I think the quickest way is to go to into mount coronet from hearthome city, then go to wher e the galactic grunts are (or where), and thenrun around there and trust me you wil lfind a nosepass hope that helped k' :)
Beat the elite 4 and after go to the cave in cerulean city.
Quickest way to find out would probably be to "Google" your question.
The fourth Gym is in Pastoria City. The quickest way there is to go south from Hearthome City and then east.
trade your starter for a cyndaquil and smash their face in
just kill it
by getting ur pokemons lv up to 10 before batting ur rivel Get a few Pokemon at least lv. 10 before the rivel fight.
If you want to destroy a city and kill thousands of people, it is the quickest way of doing so.
the quickest way of finding it is using file function
Air travel is usually the quickest.
The Quickest Way - 1913 was released on: USA: 15 January 1913
The quickest way to get gold in WoW is through the Mining and Skinning profession's.
The Suez Canal is the quickest way by ship to get from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean.
the quickest way to for farmers to repay that dept: cash crops
Airplane is the quickest.
It is extremly poisonious. It will kill you in minutes. If you see one, you should walk away slowly, but if you have to kill it, stay away from it's head. If it so much as touches your skin with it's fangs, you will die. The quickest way to kill it is to decapitate it.