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Charged with sexual tension.

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Q: What is the relationship between a hero and his comic foil?
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Who is a comic foil to Hero in Much Ado About Nothing?

Beatrice is. And vice versa.

Character whose lighthearted ways contrasts with the heavier more serious nature of the tragic hero is known as?

Comic foil

What is a comic foil is?

The "Straight Man" .

Differnce between epic hero and super hero?

An epic hero is a literary character; a superhero is a comic-book character.

Which comic hero lived in metropolis?

Superman was the comic hero who lived in Metropolis.

A character whose lighthearted ways contrasts with the heavier more serious nature of the tragic hero is known as?

A character whose lighthearted ways contrast with the heavier, more serious nature of the tragic hero is known as the comic foil.

The traditional comic hero chooses to live?

The traditional comic hero chooses to live in society.

The traditional comic hero is not .?

C. rigidstay at odds with society

Which of the following is are qualities associated with the comic foil in Elizabethan tragedy?

The comic foil in Elizabethan tragedy contrasts with the main character by bringing humor, wit, and light-heartedness to the play, providing comic relief amidst the serious themes and events. They often serve as a contrast to the tragic hero's more serious or melancholic nature, highlighting the protagonist's flaws or predicaments through humor and satire.

Is the hero of a story the foil?

No, they are the protagonist.

How does a comic hero succeed?

A comic book hero prevails over enemies and circumstances by way of his powers and courage .

Is Starfire the comic a hero?
