1: The Dangerous Days of Daniel X 2: Watch the Skies 3: Demons and Druids (to be released July 26th)
The cast of Darkest Days - 2011 includes: Sid Akbar Ali as Olly Nabil Audie as Webster Ritchi Edwards as Mark Stacy Sims as Kat Daniel Snowling as Sniper
While I do not know of a passage of scripture that specifically states that Daniel was a eunuch, there is strong evidence to believe so. The prophesy of Isaiah concerning the fall to Babylon, chapter 39, vs. 7 in particular, speaks of the young men of Judah being taken away and made "eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon." This prophecy took place during the younger years of Daniel's life. Daniel chapter 1, verses 1 and following, state that Daniel was among those brought to Babylon; vs. 6 in particular. Also, we see that Daniel was placed under the charge of Ashpenaz, master of the eunuchs. The fact that Daniel rose to such a high position of authority in the kingdoms of Nebuchadnezzar and Darius, almost certainly confirms that Daniel was made a eunuch, which was common practice in those days to prevent any offspring being born to anyone who might challenge the throne.
IMHO... I think he tried to move on with his life and change his name to start a new life as Ryan Daniel Buell. He does paranormal investigations but recently quit that to do private research.
The Dangerous Days of Daniel X was created on 2008-07-21.
The book "The Dangerous Days of Daniel X" by James Patterson has around 240 pages in most editions.
Watch the Skies
Daniel X : Alien Hunter (Graphic Novel)
The first in the series is The Dangerous Days of Daniel X.
James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge wrote The Dangerous Days of Daniel X.
the dangerous days of Daniel x
the major conflict of the story is the fight between daniel and seth.
In "The Dangerous Days of Daniel X" by James Patterson, the symbols play various roles, such as representing hidden messages left by Daniel's parents, providing clues to his mission, and unlocking the secrets of his alien abilities. These symbols serve as a key element in the story's plot and help Daniel navigate the challenges he faces.
James Patterson and co-author, Michael Ledwidge