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Random, but the more trainers you see, the closer you are to the lady.

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Q: What is the sequence for the lost cave in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Pokemon LeafGreen where is 2end ruby?

lost cave

How do you get a mistreavus in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Its in Lost Cave in one of the Sevi Islands.

Where in the lost cave is murcrow on FireRed?

Just keep running around and you will eventually find one. It does take a while for Pokemon to appear in the lost cave. Murkrow is RARE in the lost cave so you won't find it easily. It can only be caught in the Firered lost cave and Misdreavus can only be caught in the Leafgreen Lost cave. You cannot get Misdreavus anywhere in Firered. It is absolutely exclusive to Leafgreen.

Where is misdreaveus in lost cave in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You just have to walk around until you find it.Good Luck!

Where is the haunted house in Pokemon LeafGreen version?

Their are no haunted houses in leafgreen their are 2 areas in the game that are infested by ghosts however: Pokemon Tower and Lost Cave. The tower is in Lavendar Town and the Cave is in the northeastern part of Five Island.

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Lost cave sequence Pokemon LeafGreen?

Random, but the more trainers you see, the closer you get to the lady.

In Pokemon LeafGreen what is in lost cave?

How to get to lost cave in leaf green??

Pokemon LeafGreen where is 2end ruby?

lost cave

Were is the lost cave in Pokemon LeafGreen?

It is in Five Island

How do you get inside lost cave in Pokemon LeafGreen?

nevermind i found it

How do you get the full incense in lost cave in Pokemon LeafGreen?

That item doesn't exist in leafgreen their is a sea incense and lax incense in the cave.

How do you get a mistreavus in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Its in Lost Cave in one of the Sevi Islands.

How do you get a sea incense in Pokemon LeafGreen?

in the lost cave on island five

Where is the lost cave in Pokemon firered and leafgreen?

you find lost cave on leaf green on 5 island. after resort gorgeous.

Where can you find haunter in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can find wild haunters in Pokemon tower and lost cave.

How do you get the sea inceanse in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Sea incense is found in lost cave.

Where do you find the lost cave in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Go to five island. Surf north to Resort Gorgeous then surf east from there to find lost cave.