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Q: What is the use of a metal stand on stevenson screen?
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What is the use of the metal screen?

Some use it to sift materials, others use it to screen out sunlight.

What do you use to support a thermometer to a beaker?

a metal stand.

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How do you hang a hammock with no trees?

You can use Metal Pole or you can hang a hammock under a deck or use any hammock stand.

What is the use of Iron Stand in Laboratories?

An iron stand is a metal rod attached to a metal base. When an iron stand is used in a laboratory, beakers, Bunsen burners, pipettes, and a variety of other things a scientist may need in his work is placed on the iron stand.

Why should you return a soldering iron to its stand when not in use?

Because it stops the metal tip from oxidising.

Is it more useful to place a flat panel TV on a stand or hang it on the wall?

It is more useful to use a stand for a flat screen TV. If a flat screen is hung up you will have to go through the trouble of mounting it and possibly damaging the wall opposed to just sitting it on a table or stand.

What does dar stand for drug screen?

Drug Abuse Recognition (DAR) is a protocol to determine current drug use.

What is an iron stand and iron ring?

It is a laboratory equipment used to hold or support beakers during experiments. An iron stand is a ventilated metal stand on which a hot flatiron may be rested when not in use.

A labelled diagram the six's thermometer?

the use of the six's maximum and minimum thermometer is the find the highest and the lowest temperature for a day. At the meterological station this instrument is usually kept in a stevenson screen...lolz

What is a ring stand and how it is use?

a metal stand consisting of a long upright rod attached to a heavy rectangular base that is used with rings and clamps for supporting laboratory apparatus

What's the best type of shelving metal in America?

Metal shelving only has to be good enough. You want to be sure it has a good finish that will stand up to use and use sheet metal that's strong enough for what you need to store. There's no point to going overboard with something that's a utilitarian item.