Lud Wray is 6'.
Lud Gluskin's birth name is Ludwig Elias Gluskin.
Lud Gluskin was born on December 16, 1898, in New York City, New York, USA.
Lud Zbunjen Normalan first debuted on September 2nd, 2007. You can learn more about this television show online at the Wikipedia website. Once on the page, type "Lud Zbunjen Normalan" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.
Sanda Krgo has: Played Olga in "Zagrljenici" in 1983. Played Cicina Kcerka in "Brisani prostor" in 1985. Performed in "Aleksa Santic" in 1990. Played Sanja in "Viza za buducnost" in 2002. Played Suzana in "Lud, zbunjen, normalan" in 2007.
Lud Wray is 6'.
Lud-in-the-Mist was created in 1926.
Lud Kramer was born in 1932.
Lud Kramer died in 2004.
Lobby Lud was created in 1927.
Lud-in-the-Mist has 319 pages.
"lud"... to play. Ex. interlude... allude...
Lud Fiser died on 1990-08-25.
Lud Fiser was born on 1908-10-26.
The cast of Lud - 2009 includes: Valyntina Grenier as Christa Soren Hellerup as Verner Tom Tangen as Lud
Lud Gluskin's birth name is Ludwig Elias Gluskin.
Lud Wray's birth name is James R. Ludlow Wray.