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It's the cloak of invisibility, that Death gave to a wizard. This is the story in the Deathly Hallows.

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Q: What is the veil of death?
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What is the veil in Harry Potter 5?

The veil is the barrier between life and Death.

In Harry Potter 5 what is in the archway in the Department of Mysteries?

It is simply known as the Veil, though most people speculate it was the Veil of Death.

Can Harry and Luna hear the voices in the veil because they've seen death?


What does it mean when you see a ghost of a human body with a pigs head with a veil on it?

Your close to death

What was the veil that Sirius Black fell through?

in the fifth? the Ministry was experimenting with weird things in that room. he fell through a veil that leads to death, the land of the dead, heaven/hell, whatever you want to call it.

How do you use veil in sentences?

She wore a veil at the wedding.The store was a veil for shady underground operations.

Who is better pierce the veil or black veil brides?

well i think pierce the veil is the best band!!

Did Jews repair the temple veil after Jesus death?

The Jews seem to have been unaware that the Temple veil was torn at the time of Jesus' death. They made no record of this happening, nor of it being repaired, yet such a momentous event would surely have been mentioned somewhere, if only in correspondence. When Josephus, formerly a priest in the Jerusalem Temple, described the veil, he makes no mention of any visible damage or repair.Some scholars even doubt whether any of Jesus' followers would have been able to see the curtain.

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Black veil brides?

What is the homophone for vale?

The homophone for "vale" is "veil."

The veil in the temple torn into half denoting?

The tearing of the veil in the temple symbolizes the barrier between God and humanity being removed, signifying access to God for all people through Jesus' sacrifice. It represents reconciliation, forgiveness, and the bringing together of God and humanity.

How does the black veil affect the wedding?

The black veil is a symbolic representation of the veil between the living and the dead. Its presence at a wedding signifies the weight of death and the idea that even in moments of joy, there is an underlying reminder of mortality. It adds a haunting and somber tone to the ceremony and can create a sense of unease among the attendees.