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Q: What is vannesa ann hudgens's new single called?
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the name of vannesa ann hudgens sister

Did vannesa ann hudgens have a baby?

no!!she is still pregnant

How old is vannesa ann hugens?

She is 19. 2008.

Who is Venessa Hugdens?

Vannesa Ann Hudgens is a fansemse movie star

What is Vannesa Ann Hudgens favourite book?

Books by Anne Rice.

Is vannesa ann hudgens in love with Zach efero?

yes they r!

What is Vannesa Hudgens middle name?

her name isVanessa Ann Hudgens

Did vannesa ann hugunes had cosmetic surgery?

no she wants people to like who she is

Is vannesa Ann hudgens single?

That's the same question as to ''Is Vanessa ann Hudgens Singel?''She is married to Zac efron.but you never know the person who was writing this before me is stupid and a weirdo.YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYTING BYE

Is vannesa ann hudgens going to be in high school musical 3?

no she will not because of the pix. no she will not because of the pix.

Is vannesa Ann hugens bad?

no she is a realy nice preson because i am like her best mate :D

Is Matt hardy single at the moment?

No, he is not single he is dating a girl called Mary-ann Mundy. :)