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Q: What is your stenth?
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to the east of lancousa town you will find a area called the giant chasam go in make it though the cave (need stenth surf) the get into the forest ( you will also find ditto and metagross solrock lunatone ) and this area is great for audiono spam training. but back to kyurem go though the forest till you reach a pool of water in the center of the area then kyurem will roar and the area will now be covered in snow and ice go to the now open set of stairs to the top right and meat kyurem use a master ball for easy catch or use the poke ball glicth in white ( the one were regular pokeballs are really good) or ultra balls in black he is a ice dragon so you can only hurt him with dragon attacks i used sing and 45 ultras good luck

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To get Gaomon, follow these steps: 1. Go to chip forest and go to the dark side. 2. Get scan data from Kumamon. 3. Digiconvert Kumamon and degenerate him to his in-training form. The other rookie form should be Gaomon, Thank You

What can you do to keep your dyed hair healthy?

There are many ways to keep hair healthy, even when dyed. To keep your hair at its best follow simple but effective tips..... *After you dyed your hair hair may become spilt endy and a bit more weak so have a hair cut, just a trim to try to get rid of the slit ends and if you have spare time the hair dresser may have missed a thew split end so you can just cut where the split end is. *If your worried about your hair being cut short look outside to see if theres damp moiste air and if there is go out in it as it makes your hair grow faster. *Use spray in or just shampoo which pretects hair from heat and on it has SPF writen on it. *Dying hair can leave it weak so drink milk as its rich in calcuim and can make your hair stronger also there air specially formulared shampoos and conditioners which help hair strength, look on the bottle for more info about that. *Baby formulated shampoos and conditioners are gente to your hair and won't strip your hairs colours. *Heat damages hair so aviod using straightner, curlers e.g. or at least use one of those sprays made for when stylig your hair and helps protect it. *Regually wash your hair but this don't nessarsarily mean every day, just at least once every other day so your hair can keep the natural oils on your head which s good for you but to much of it could lead to hair being greasy and too much of anything could not be so good so that's why you need to wash it regually. If you don't use as much conditioner it will last longer. *Your hair is weak so when its wet try not to rub it with a towell as when your hair is wet it is weaker, so simply pat it. Also brushing it straight after you washed it try not to brush or comb it straight away as i said your hair is weak and most likely to fall out. *Unless a vegetarian eaing protein can improve your hairs health such as milk, eggs, fish and cheese. *When you hair dry your hair keep the hair dryer at least 6 inches away from your head and move considantly. *Vitermin A keeps your scalp healthy so stock up on those carrots and tomatoes as they are rich in vitermin A. It also reduces wrinkles. I know its not your hair but you have to keep your scalp healthy too. *For silky, shiny and healthy hair drink some water, i know its old and obvious and boaring but how do you think this tip has lasted this long, so it seems like it works. *Vitermin E is also a good way for shiny glossy hair, good sorces of vitermin E are, nut, rice, wheat germ and leavy green vegtables. *A balanced diet can improve your hair and try to aviod stress as that results as hai loss. *Massarging your scalp can improve circulation and improve hair groth. *For shiny healthy hair mash up, avicardo mix with a table spoon off olive oil and rub through your hair, then after 15 minuits wash your hair. *Zinc can prevent hair loss by building up hair protein, good source of this is meat and sea food. *Just for future prefrance dying your hair black can kill your roots so just rember that. Those were a thew of my tips but i bet there is more and I'll hope you enjoy using them, all these together would help and affect your hairs, stenth, shine and prevent hair loss