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to defeat the Pokemon league just try and get ur Pokemon over 65 and get the 3 legendary birds zapdos moltress and articquno they may not be spelt right but you probably get the idea.

you complete the Pokemon league by getting all eight badges and going to viridian city and going through victory road and the indigo plateau,it will take a long time but it's worth it.because in the game you are on a journey to become the Pokemon league champion and fill the pokedex.if your Pokemon are'NT strong enough you could'NT beat the champion and you could'NT fill your pokedex.they need certain attacks to defeat other trainers.some Pokemon have attacks that only raise stats for example:screech,swords dance,and growl that wo'NT do any damage,so as you raise it's levels it will learn better moves for example:flamethrower,hydro pump,solar beam.some moves will take 2 turns to attack for example:solar beam,skull bash,and are also on a journey to catch rare/legendary Pokemon for:example: articuno,moltres,zapdos,entei,raikou,suicune(depending on which starter Pokemon you picked),mewtwo,and if you cheat mew and deoxys.(the mew you catch if you cheat will never obey you)

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15y ago

I beat it with Venusaur, but it all depends on your preferences.

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13y ago

Arcaine,blastoise, pidgeyeot, nidoking, arbok and Persian

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Q: What kind of Pokemon do you need to beat the poke league in fire red?
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How do you defeat thepokemon league in Pokemon FireRed?

you have to have strong Pokemon i have got venusaur, mewtwo, entie, tyranitar, poliwrath, dragonite these are strong Pokemon you need to have a Pokemon of every kind poliwrath - water/fight Dragonite- flying/dragon Venusaur-grass/poison Mewtwo-psychic entie-fire tryanitar-ground/rock you don't have to have these Pokemon to beat the Pokemon league you just have to have certain Pokemon that are super effective on the elite fours Pokemon. venusaur is grass so hes super effective on water, ground,rock Pokemon. poliwrath super effective on ground rock fire normal Pokemon. tryanitar is super effective on flying fire electric steel rock Pokemon. entie is super effective on grass ice Pokemon. mewtwo is super effective on dark ghost fight. the first time you beat the Pokemon league its easy but the next time they go away and train up their Pokemon to level 60-75 which is harder but still easy when you go to the Pokemon league make sure you have lots of revives and max potions. the average level when you first go into the Pokemon league is about level 60 to 70 that's what i was . i hope i helped you :) if this is to confusing don't worry .

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Red Pokemon are lvl. 80 and up so Lvl. 80 Pokemon are good His Pokemon Weakness are Pikachu:ground Chairzard,Blastioste,lapras:Electricity Snorlax:Fight Venusar:Fly,Fire,Physic,Ice Those are the weakness in order to beat him you need thos kind of moves :) -Ejmanning10

What is the Best team for 1st Pokemon league in fire red leaf green?

It's not that hard to beat, really... Just catch strong Pokemon and train them along the way, and if you have any skill at the game, you should be able to beat the elite 4 without any kind of a problem. Just from the amount of levels you will gain, even if you were to train a very mediocre Pokemon like Pikachu, you STILL would most likely be able to pass the elite 4.

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grass types

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First you must beat the Pokemon League. After you beat the 4 people you will see that N has beaten the champion. Then N will connect his tower to the Pokemon League. Go into the tower to where N is and before you battle him you automatically use your dark stone, (after the 8th gym), and you will have a chance to catch ZEKROM and put him in your party before you battle N. ZECROM is level 50. Make sure you bring the right kind of Pokeballs and the right level Pokemon. Good Luck! :)

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