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Q: What kind of bubble bath does Anita use?
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Can you wash guinea pigs with baby bubble bath?

If the baby bubble bath is for humans, yes. Cat shampoo is advised to use on guinea pigs. Baby bubble bath may not be too harsh a soap to use.

What kind of candy bag should you use if you are a bubble bath for Halloween?

Make a bag that looks like a bar of soap or a rubber duck.

What is the best way to clean a bath?

u use mr bubble's to clean the bath tube

Can you use bubble bath when you're on your period?

Yes, you can use bubble bath when you're on your period - bubble bath does increase risk of vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections, but the risks are no greater during menstruation than at any other time of your menstrual cycle. Just rinse off your vulva with plain water at the end of your bath and it should be fine.

Can you use bubble bath in whirlpool tubs?

Yes you can, it looks really cool.

What is the acid in bubble bath?

the answer is citric acid. its in most bubble baths.there may be others aswell but citric is the main onei hope you find it use fullfrom??

How does children get urinary tract infections?

Bubble bath can cause urinary track infections in girls and boys, and even adults, but more girls get the infection. Many are hospitalized each year. If you read the small print on your bubble bath, it will probably mention that their bubble bath could cause urinary track infections. If you or your children want a bubble bath, use a half cup of Dreft Laundry Detergent in the bath, it is pure and safe. Another fun bath time idea is a dash of food coloring in the water. It changes the color of the water, but does not change your skin color, but remember, a dash, not the whole bottle.

Can bunnies bathe is bath bubbles?

If preventable do not give a rabbit a bath. Especially not in human 'bubble bath'. If you have no choice and for some strange reason need to give bunny a wash, then use fresh, clean water. With no additives.

What kind of strip of clothing do I use for the dry ice bubble?

The strip of clothing you should use for the dry ice bubble must be 100% cotton

What kind of title can be use for what kind of drink cleans a penny best?

penny bath

How do you you get nail polish off a child's skins?

give them a bath. and use lots of bubble bath. and use a washcloth and wipe on the bit were the nail polish is on. Hope this helps if not then maybe go to the doctors with them. best thing is to stay CALM

Is it better to hang dry your bath rug towels?

This depends on which kind of bath rug you use. If you use a bath rug that is made of only fabric, drying it in a dryer will give it a warm fluffy feel. However, if you use the kind of bath rug with a rubber non-slip bottom on it, it is better to hang dry, as the heat from your dryer may break down the rubber.