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Q: What kind of state should be referred to as a republic according to Rousseau why?
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What kind of state should referred to as a republic according to Rousseau?


What kind of state should be referred to as republic according to Rousseau?


Why should citizens be the authors of societys laws according to Rousseau?

Rousseau believed that citizens should be the authors of society's laws because it promotes the general will and common good of the people. By having a direct say in the laws that govern them, citizens are more likely to feel a sense of ownership and responsibility for their society, leading to a more just and equitable system. This also helps prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a few individuals or groups.

Why should citizens be authors of society's laws according to Rousseau?

According to Rousseau Citizens should be the authors of societies laws because he believed that the only good government was one that was freely formed by the people, and guided by the "general will of society- a direct democracy.

How many paintings of jungles did Henri Rousseau paint?

You should note that there are two famous French painters named Rousseau. Théodore Rousseau, landscape painter 1812-1867, and Henri Rousseau, naive painter 1844-1910.

Rousseau argued that society should be governed by?

Rousseau argued that society should be governed by the general will, which represents the common interests of the people. He believed that individuals should participate in direct democracy to shape the laws and policies that govern them, creating a society based on collaboration and equality.

According to Swiss philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau what can be done to reverse the corrupting effects of society?

We should try to draw out the basic goodness in people through education.

Should you call ourselves gods according to scripture?

No, only God is referred to as God. No one else should be called that.

Who did Rousseau think should rule society?

Rousseau believed in the concept of the "general will," where the entire social body collectively determines laws and policies for the common good. He believed that the people as a whole should rule society rather than a monarch or elite ruling class. Rousseau argued for a direct democracy where citizens participate in decision-making processes.

Who believed that the government should run according to the general will of the people?

Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, and Paul Revere.

What enlightenment thinker thought that titles of nobility should be abolished?

Voltaire, a prominent Enlightenment thinker, advocated for the abolition of titles of nobility. He believed in meritocracy and equal opportunity for all individuals regardless of their birth status. Voltaire argued that a person's worth should be based on their abilities and accomplishments rather than their inherited status.

Who thought that titles of nobility should be abolished?

Thomas Paine, a political philosopher and Founding Father of the United States, argued in his pamphlet "Common Sense" (1776) that titles of nobility should be abolished because they perpetuate inequality and undermine the principles of a democratic society.