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Q: What level does Mewtwo learn psytrike at?
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What level does Mewtwo learn psybeam in Pokemon firered?

Mewtwo doesn't learn Psybeam.

When does Mewtwo learn psystrike?

At level 100

What level does Mewtwo learn aura sphere in Pokemon black?

Mewtwo learns Aura Sphere at level 93.

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What attacks can the Pokemon Mewtwo learn at level 100?

In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Mewtwo learns the move Aura Sphere. However, in the other games Mewtwo learns all it's moves before it reaches level 100.

Can Mewtwo learn psycho boost?

No, Mewtwo cannot.

When does Mewtwo learn shadowball?

Mewtwo may only learn Shadow Ball by using a TM

What level does Mewtwo learn Psychic?

By batteling them against ghost type Pokemon

Which levels does Mewtwo-in pokemon-yellow- learn new moves?

In Pokémon Yellow, Mewtwo will learn Barrier at Level 63, Mist at Level 75, Psychic at Level 66, Amnesia at Level 81 and Level 70 at Recover. Mewtwo cannot learn moves such as Swift, Psych Up, Future Sight and Safeguard via level-up in Pokémon Yellow however it would be able to know it provided the one in Pokémon Yellow is traded to Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue.

Who is the strongest pokemon in Pokemon FireRed?

It's mewtwo I have one he/her never dies but you have to level him up to your highest level to be the best I have a level 97 Pokemon that's way stronger than mewtwo he's level 80. It depends on level. If you are talking about lv100 it is mew as mew can learn any attack

What level do you find Mewtwo at on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Mewtwo is at level 70 when you find it on leaf green.

Can a Mewtwo learn Earthquake?

No, Mewtwo cannot learn Earthquake. It is a Psychic-type legendary Pokémon and Earthquake is a Ground-type move, which is not compatible with Mewtwo's movepool.