You have to trade it then back again if you want it back. It will evolve into Golem. This is like Golbat, you must trade it for it to evolve into Crobat.
Minun does not evolve.
In Pokémon Ruby, Magikarp will evolve into Gyarados at Level 20.
absol does not evolve
it doesn't evolve. slugma evolves into magcargo at level 38
Level 25.
Weezing does not evolve in Pokemon Ruby.
it doesn't evolve in Pokemon ruby.
Dig is a TM, so you can teach it to it at any level.
Nosepass doesn't evolve in Ruby, sorry.
Corpish will evolve at level 30
It will evolve at level 48
Spinda does not evolve.
Minun does not evolve.
it can't evolve
Altaria does not evolve.
It doesn't evolve.
The Pokemon cascoon will evolve into Dustox at level 10 =D