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lekismon digivolves to crescemon at level 33 if your friendship is at or above 80% and it has at least 2800 dark experence.

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Q: What level does lekismon digivolve at in Digimon World Dusk?
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At the moment (as of December 10, 2015) the ultimate level form of Digitamamon cannot digivolve or mega digivolve to any mega-level Digimon called HolyDigitamamon the only mega-level Digimon that Digitamamon can digivolve into are Titamon which is known as a "One-Man Digimon" and has the Virus attribute and Digitamamon can also digivolve to Devitamon which is a Mega-level Digimon, has the Mutant type and has the Data attribute.

What level does a digimon have to be at to armor digivolve in world dusk?

u need one to beable then go to digilab and click on armor digivolve.

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you have to DNA digivolve matordormon and mummymon at level 61

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Armor digivolve hawkmon with the digiegg of love. PS:it has to be at a sutain level

In Digimon dusk can you DNA digivolve Gummymon and Terriermon and get a different Digimon?

No, you cannot. I think that Digimon have to be at the same level (Champion, Ultimate, etc) to DNA Digivolve. However, if you have a DNA Digivolved digimon, get one of the digimon you digivolved it with (Like for Silphymon, Aquilamon or Gatomon) and if you DNA Digivolve, it should result in their rookie forms.

How do you digivolve agumon to greymon in Digimon World?

Agumon digivolves to greymon in level 15 but you need 80+Fnd

What level can you armor digivolve?

Usually from the Rookie level, but there are some Digimon that deviate from this pattern.

How do you digivolve agumon to greymon in Digimon World ds?

Agumon digivolves to greymon in level 15 but you need 80+Fnd

How do you digivolve digimon in Digimon World i am having trouble digivolvin' MAngemon to Seraphimon because the max level is 42 and is there a way to digivolve it to Mega NOT degenerating?

No, I believe its the only quick way, unless you want to use that 3% chance farm encyclopedia.