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Q: What line from the Decleration of Independence does Nicolas Cage misquote in national treasure?
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What museum was in National treasure?

In the first National Treasure, the decleration of Independence is kept in the National Archives. The Silence Dogood letters, which are real but don't have a code to find "the templar treasure" are kept in the Benjamin Franklin Museum, most likely in Philadelphia. hopefully i answered your question. :)

In National Treasure Where is independence hall?

It is located in Pennsylvania.

Where was the Declaration of independence stolen from in the movie National Treasure?

the national museum of history.

In which movie did Nicholas Cage steal The Declaration of Independence?

National Treasure

Why is the Declaration of Independence sometimes referred to as a National Treasure?

It is sometimes reffered to as the National Treasure because it is one of the most valued and highly guarded documents in the history of the United States. There was also a movie called National Treasure about a man who finds a map on the back of the Declaration of Independence that leads to the worlds greatest treasure originally guarded by the Knights Templar.

What line from the Decleration of Independence does Nicolas Cage quote in National Treasure?

But when a long train of abuses and usurpation's, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security.

Is there an invisible map on the back of the deceleration of independence like the one in the movie national treasure?


Why does the movie national treasure say that 55 men signed the declaration of independence?

It was simply a plot detail error

How is the declaration of independence protected?

from what I've seen in national treasure..i believe it is protected by the thick glass casing and the vault

Who was the founding father mentioned in the beginning of the movie national treasure?

Charles Carroll. Believe it or not, he did sign the declaration of independence, and he was the last signing survivor! National Treasure isn't all made up! I hope i answered your question

Was Diane Kruger on national treasure?

Yes She was in National Treasure

How can you get the National Treasure the book of secrets?

how can i get the National Treasure the book of secrets