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Q: What literacy term is the series of events related to the action of a story?
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What best describe a plot?

the action and sequence of events in a story that are usually a series of related incidents.

A series of events in a drama?


Does the sequence of events in a story describe plot?

Yes, the sequence of events in a story is directly related to the plot. The plot is the series of events that make up the narrative and drive the story forward. It includes the conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

What is the rising action in a plot structure?

The rising action includes the series of events that precede the climax.

Rising action of a story?

the rising action of a story is the series of events that lead up to the climax.

Word for a Series of related events that make up a story?

The series of related events that make up a story are known as its plot.

Who are the cast of a Series of Unfortunate Events?

See related links.

What is the falling action of The series of unfortunate events?

When aunt Josephine's house falls into the lake

What is the descending action of a story?

The events of a dramatic or narrative plot following the climax.

How does the series of events illuminate his character?

The series of events reveal his character by showing how he responds to challenges, his decision-making process, and his values and beliefs in action. Through his actions and choices during these events, we gain insight into his strengths, weaknesses, and overall personality.

What is the plural of World Series?

World Series: series n. (pl. same) 1 number of similar or related things, events, etc.; succession, row, or set. 2 set of related but individual

What is the rising action in a series of unfortunate events book 3?

When count ollaf shows up to the climax