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Q: What matirials can you use in a rube goldberg device?
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How do you use electric energy in a rube goldberg?

You can use electric energy in a Rube Goldberg machine by incorporating switches, sensors, motors, or lights that are activated by an electrical current. For example, you can use an electric fan to trigger a domino cascade or a motor to launch a toy car along a track. Electric energy can add an interactive and dynamic element to your Rube Goldberg machine.

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Materials that you can use in the in the kitchen are a cookoing device or stove,(LPG)and other things you can find in the kutchen

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Get that jiggery-pokery piece of junk off the road! That piece of jiggery-pokery would make Rube Goldberg wince!

How do you make a rube goldberg project that aaplies toothpaste to a tooth brush?

Have a ball fall into a toy car, then go down a ramp, then hit a heavy book, whick will fall onto a tube of toothpaste. You can add on to the design like having the car hit a lever which will drop a heavy bag onto the tube or just take some one else's idea. Good luck!

How do you build a rube goldberg machine to light a candle?

Make sure you have a lot of used materials, such as cardboard, pulleys, levers, screws, wood, marbles, and anything else. Use the parts to make your machine.

How can you describe crazy complicated invention people like to make?

Use crazy complicated diagrams. You may wish to look at illustrations of fantastic (but useless) inventions by cartoonists Heath Robinson (UK) or Rube Goldberg (US). The Goldberg page on Wikipedia also lists crazy inventors from other countries.

What matirials are best for modeling bridges?

I use Plastruct for modelling bridges.

What do you need to make a simple rube goldberg machine to blow out a candle?

To make a simple Rube Goldberg machine to blow out a candle, you would need items like a marble, dominoes, a small fan or balloon, a lever or incline, and a small tube or straw to direct the airflow towards the candle. Arrange these items in a sequence so that when the marble rolls down the incline, it triggers a chain reaction leading to the candle being blown out by the fan or balloon.

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Just a bit of background. I'm making a Rube Goldberg-like device that is can be scored for various specific actions. Among the various different scoring actions, several have me concerned. -Use an endothermic action that begins the next action as a result of the reduction in temperature -Use an exothermic reaction that produces light to activate a photocell and begins the next action -(based on the title)Use a light to initiate a chemical reaction to start the next action -Use a thermal reaction which expands a gas to activate the next action I'm not very familiar with most reactions, and I would appreciate some examples of each, that could practically be used in a rube Goldberg machine. Thanks in advance for replying.

How do you use plants for decoration?

Home matirials, paper, pencils, and everybodies favorite, money

Ideas for a rube goldberg project?

Some fun things are...put a marble in a cup, light a candle, ring a bell, open a trap door, pour water. The entire principle of the Goldberg contraptions was to show how impossibly complex machinery had to be to do a simple task. Have fun designing your machine.

What were the most important criteria your team used to select the final design of your Rube Goldberg device and why did you use?

I wanted to make sure that no expense to safety was made, so I wrapped the whole project in Reynolds Wrap. After that I Didn't want anyone to trip over it so I painted it Fluorescent Orange so that everyone can see it. the Egg is completely covered in bubble wrap and car wash sponges so it won't break. I think my project will be the safest one there.