Humphrey Bogart
No, they never starred in a movie together
"Lilacs in the Springs" (1954) or the short movie "Simon" (1954)
Know for a fact he did in the sixties. Went into Hollywood legend...
This 1940 film starred Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn and James Stewart.
Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn starred in the movie
Humphrey Bogart
No, they never starred in a movie together
Sean Connery played 007 in Thunderball.
Audrey hepburn and george peppard both starred in breakfast at tiffanys Audrey hepburn and george peppard both starred in breakfast at tiffanys
If you are referring to the 1961 classic film, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Audrey Hepburn starred in the lead role, Holly Golightly.
"Lilacs in the Springs" (1954) or the short movie "Simon" (1954)
Audrey Hepburn was a stunning actress who starred or was featured in no less than thirty one separate movie titles in her very successful acting career.
"Entrapment" (1999) was a caper film that starred Connery and Catherine Zeta-Jones. When Zeta-Jones won the 2002 Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in "Chicago," it was Oscar-winner Connery who presented it to her.
Many people starred in the 1937 movie Stage Door. Katharine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers, Gail Patrick and Lucille Ball are just some examples of the notable people in Stage Door.
Know for a fact he did in the sixties. Went into Hollywood legend...