Dewey Foley's birth name is Dewey Francis Foley.
Dewey Selmon's birth name is Dewey Willis Selmon.
Dewey Skipworth's birth name is Charles Dewey Skipworth.
Dewey Drapeau's birth name is George Dewey Drapeau.
Ralph Dewey was born on 1944-08-08.
Dewey Siyarath's birth name is Vanpaseuth Dewey Siyarath.
Dewey Schultz goes by Dewey.
Dewey Kim goes by Dewey.
Chas Dewey went by Deweycare.
Amherst College
anthropedic knightmare
Dewey finds an Indian and decides to fight it. The Indian runs away and Dewey and his grandmother decide to go to Dargans house so the Indians won't kill them. But later in the book, Dewey finds out the Dargans are dead because Indians killed them.
Melville Dewey
If it has a coating of liquid then it is dewey.
Books on the Titanic typically fall under the Dewey Decimal Classification number 910.91634, which is for naval history and maritime disasters.
Melvil Dewey have 1 kid named was Godfrey Dewey.