Filippo Del Giudice went by Del.
Del Lukens goes by Delron.
Desiree Del Valle goes by Des.
John Del Rico goes by Rico.
Robert del Naja goes by 3-D.
Bobby Del Rio goes by Bobman.
Adam Del Rio goes by Dwayne Dibbley.
Evelyn Del Rio went by The Latin Shirley Temple.
Alberto Del Rio goes by The Mexican Aristocrat, and The Essence of Excellence.
Jacky Newcomb goes by Angel Lady.
Jack Venturo goes by Jacky.
Mike Rio goes by The Wolverine.
Rio Ahn goes by River.
Rio Ferdinand goes by Ferdz.
Francisco Del goes by Del.
Del Howison goes by Dark Del.
Dolphy went by Pidol, Comedy King, and Bombilya.