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Q: What occurs in act one of our town by Thornton wilder?
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When did the Town Shed Act start?

The town act started in 1676 maybe i dont noe

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What is the main conflict in the book In Cold Blood?

the confliction is between the town and the media. The media is portraiting the criminal act to be a sensation, wherefore the town is under suspicion of who committed the criminal act. the confliction is between the town and the media. The media is portraiting the criminal act to be a sensation, wherefore the town is under suspicion of who committed the criminal act.

The time that has elapsed between Act you and Act II in your Town?

3 years

How does John Thornton save Buck's life?

John Thornton saves Buck's life by rescuing him from being brutally beaten by Hal. He intervenes when he sees Hal mistreating Buck and convinces him to sell Buck to him. This act of kindness and protection not only saves Buck physically, but also leads to a deep bond and loyalty between Buck and Thornton.

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How did the town shed act effect the American resolution?

the town shed act didn't affect the american resolution. Britain and America never resolved their conflicts.

What is a crime of ommission versus a crime of commission?

A crime of ommission occurs when you knowingly and intentionally FAIL TO ACT or do something which, had it been done, would have prevented the offense.A crime of commission occurs when you knowingly and intentionally ACT to carry out an act which you know to be an offense.

What were the first two items the British taxed in the colonies?

There was the Stamp Act and the Town Shed Act.

What is the The theory of tension?

Stress that occurs when forces act to stretch an object.

Stress that occurs when forces act to squeeze an object?

compression stress