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Q: What part of the thermosphere creates the arora boriallis?
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What is the upper portion of the thermosphere?

The upper part of the thermosphere is called the Ionosphere A+ Magnetosphere

What is the lowest part of the thermosphere?


What is the lower part of the thermosphere?

It is the Ionosphere.

What is the layer of the atmosphere between the stratosphere and the thermosphere is called the?

The lower part of the thermosphere that begins 400 kilometers above the surface of the earth is called the ionosphere. The highest part of the thermosphere is called the exosphere.

What are the 2 subspheres that are part of the thermosphere?

Anthrosphere and the cryosphere

The upper part of this layer contains the ionosphere?


What part of the atmosphere blends into outer space?

The thermosphere

Describe the 2 layers of the thermosphere?

The "ionosphere" is a layer that contains charged particals, or ions. It includes the thermosphere and part of the mesophere. The "thermosphere" is the outermost layer of earths atmosphere. The "mesophere" is the atmospheric layer located between the stratosphere and the thermosphere.

What is the upper portion of the thermosphere called?

Happy Soda !

Is the ozone layer in the thermosphere?

yes it is actually the exosphere is space.

Is the ionosphere a layer of the atmosphere?

Yes, It is a part of the upper atmosphere. It comprises portions of the mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. The atmosphere is simply the blanket of air that surrounds the earth, but it houses the ionosphere and the rest of the layers of the atmosphere (mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, trosphere, stratosphere, thermosphere etc.

Which layer of the atmosphere has no limit?

The uppermost part of the Thermosphere, better known as the Exosphere.