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There is no mention of his powers in the battle. Other than providing the strategy that was employed, it describes him as sitting preparing some great last blast of power if they lost.

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Q: What powers does Gandalf have in the Battle of five armies What powers does he lack?
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Gandalf played a crucial role. It was Gandalf who warned the Elves, Men, and Dwarves of the incoming Goblins. It was also Gandalf who arranged for the Eagles to come. Without the Eagles, the battle surely would have been lost. The Eagles role was important as they freed the ledges of the Goblins, enabling all defenders to head to the gate. And also, it is speculated that Gandalf had something to do with Beorn's appearance, since he was in direct contact earlier. Beorn's swift coming and going was what won the battle.

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It was the Battle of Five Armies. The armies were the humans, elves and dwarves against the wargs and the goblins.

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Chapter 17, The Clouds Burst.

Did Gandalf meet the lord of eagles?

We do not know for sure that he did see the Lord of the Eagles again, but it could be inferred. At the battle of the Five Armies, he spotted the eagles coming, presumably led by the Lord of the Eagles. They saved the day, forcing the goblins off the mountain.

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